Strengthening your organization and its impact through:
Each organization I have the privilege to work with is like a tree. It has roots. Sometimes those roots are deep, stretching through and across generations of community wisdom, a growing body of literature, and/or experience on the ground. In all cases the tree has found sources of nourishment that have sustained it to this point. The tree has weathered some storms and will continue to do so. And, over time, it can grow to hold its unique place as part of the greater tree canopy – the leafy uppermost layers of a forest best viewed from above.
Plans & Strategies
Developing and facilitating creative and energizing group processes that inspire your team to shared vision, strategy, program and action plans, and overall learning.
Success Story
The USW Tony Mazzocchi Center’s national TOP Program sought new vision and energy. Roots to Canopy interviewed key stakeholders, reviewed existing data, and designed and facilitated this national team’s development of a strategic plan.
Results: A strengthened, newly-energized team that has exceeded its ambitious strategic goals and that serves as a national model for worker- and participant-led programs.
Evaluations & Learning
Assessing your community’s evolving assets, opportunities, and needs so your programs are effective. Evaluating your organization-level or program-level impact and process to share and leverage your successes and learnings and strengthen your work.
Success Story wanted to evaluate a national capacity-building program that it was piloting. Roots to Canopy worked in partnership with staff both to thought-partner around program design and to capture the program’s process and outcomes.
Results: An in-depth, action-oriented set of learnings and recommendations to grow climate justice groups and leaders.
Designing and conducting training and other capacity-building initiatives that engage people in learning and action-taking.
Success Story
The Office of Population Affairs aimed to strengthen reproductive health service organizations’ program effectiveness and results orientation. Roots to Canopy created a curriculum and trained these organizations to develop outcomes and build their programs to get there.
Results: Cadres of family planning organization leaders with greater knowledge, skills, confidence, and commitment around strong program design and evaluation.
⦿ Need some quick, targeted thought-partnering as you consider an organizational opportunity or challenge? Be in touch to schedule a 1.5-hour RAPID CONSULT.
⦿ I’m also happy to do a QUICK (FREE) CHECK-IN ON AN ORGANIZATIONAL QUANDARY. Drop me a line!
⦿ Seeking COACHING as an executive director or other organizational leader? Go here for more details on leadership coaching.